7 Methods To Prevent Water Pollution Starting From The Source

by Curtis Grossi | Last Updated: March 19, 2024
Water pollution

Water is a crucial part of life, and in fact, it is life. For this reason, safe water is necessary to safeguard the health of living organisms and to provide a conducive living environment.

However, water pollution in rivers and other water sources has become a global problem. Water pollution is a state where water becomes too dangerous for human consumption.

Polluted water cannot be used for cooking, washing or drinking before being treated or boiled. It is essential to first identify the causes of water pollution before determining how this pollution can be prevented.

Sources Of Water Pollution

These days, water sources are being polluted in almost all the corners of the world. The following are the known sources of water pollution:

a. Factories

Polluting factory

Factories cause water pollution by dumping wastewater directly to the water sources. The air pollution caused by these factories also causes acid rain which pollutes the water.

b. Dumping

This is the primary cause of water pollution. Most of the times, people dump garbage and other wastes in the water sources either accidentally or intentionally.

When this garbage decays or seeps into the water, it transfers bacteria and other chemicals into that water.

c. Sewers And Septic Systems

These systems can pollute water if they are not installed, maintained or cleaned properly. When the human waste reaches water sources, it causes severe illnesses.

d. Oil Spills And Leaks

Whether big or small, these oil spills and leaks cause a lot of damage to the water sources. It is important to know that it can take years to remove the oil from the water sources.

e. Home-Used Chemicals

The pesticides used in the gardens and lawns are significant contributors to water pollution when they are washed away by rain and drained to the rivers.

7 Effective Methods Of Preventing Water Pollution

Knowing the causes of water pollution makes it very easy to avoid the disaster. Water pollution can be stopped at home and in the industries.

The following are some of the ways that can help in doing that:

1. Proper Waste Disposal And Management

Avoid dumping in or near the rivers. As seen above, dumping is one of the leading causes of water pollution.

It is essential to avoid dumping to ensure that freshwater sources remain clean and uncontaminated. All wastes, whether solid or liquid should be kept away from drinking water sources.

2. Proper Disposal Of Pesticides And Other Harsh Chemicals

Avoid using these chemicals during storms. It is also good to avoid pouring them in the sinks and toilets because the pipes and drains will lead to the water sources. You will be passing the harmful chemicals to the water indirectly.

3. Cleaning And Maintaining The Sewer Lines And Septic Systems

It is normal for septic systems to get dirty or start leaking and thus exposing human waste to the groundwater or other water sources. The county municipality should ensure that the septic systems are fully functional and in good shape.

Cleaning and maintenance of the systems should be conducted as many times as possible.

4. Refrain From Pouring Oil And Fuel In The Sinks Or Drains

When oils and fuels are disposed of incorrectly, they can cause a lot of damage to the drinking water.

Cooking fat can clog up the water pipes or even eat away the pipes and cause leaks to the groundwater and other water sources. Ensure that vehicles do not accidentally spill these oils to the ground and especially when it is raining.

5. Creating Awareness On Water Pollution

Most of the times, lack of knowledge is a significant problem. It is essential to educate friends, family and the entire community on how to prevent water pollution and the importance of water safety.

Let them know the role they can play in preventing water pollution. Industries in the area will also prevent the contamination if they know that the people around them are concerned about the problem.

6. Planting Trees

Trees reduce erosion and also prevent toxic substances and chemicals from reaching the water sources.

Planting a tree

It is therefore vital for every person to make it their responsibility to plant trees or other vegetation covers such as shrubs, grass or flowers.

7. Regular Cleaning Or Rivers And Ponds

You can prevent water pollution by removing the trash that is on the river banks. Even small objects can cause adverse long-term effects.

Dirty clothes should not be washed in the river.


Surviving without water is impossible. Water safety is a journey that can be completed by taking the above steps. It is also essential to observe personal hygiene and sanitation.

Do not consume water before you purify, boil or treat it. Any time you fetch water from rivers, choose the best water softener system to remove excess minerals.

Drinking water should also be covered. All these activities will help in preventing water-borne diseases.

Curtis is the founder and owner of softeningwater.com. He is the lead guy concerning all the water-softening accessories in this site's guides and reviews. If he is not writing a reviews, guides or any other useful tips, you will find him testing them to find out their suitability. He is passionate about softening water. You will find him extremely helpful and always willing to educate the general populace all there is concerning water and its effects on their health and appliances.