Quality access to fresh and clean is a privilege that few employees get to enjoy. While most businesses have invested in municipal water, it is not fun to drink water directly from water taps.
Bottled water is clean and delicious. However, it is not financially sustainable to supply every employee with several bottles of water on a daily basis. On the other hand, drinking water directly from the municipal water lines is cheap but not healthy.
The most convenient way to make water accessible for drinking in the office is by installing a water cooler. The simple yet compact design of water coolers enables them to fit well in any office spacing. Although water coolers channel water from well-known sources, they make it much safer and delicious.
Here are 9 key steps on how to get a good water cooler for your office.
1. Storage And Cooler Size
When installed, a water cooler should not make your office look congested. Rather, it should make it look smart and organized.
Oversized water coolers will consume your office spacing to make it look congested. Smaller coolers will take the least spacing possible but won’t look great.
Look for water coolers that blend well with the available spacing in your office. Consider getting bottle-less or countertop water cooler models to optimize spacing.
2. Capacity And Workers
Get a water cooler big enough to supply everyone in the office with water for a whole day or most hours of the day without needing the water bottles to be replaced repeatedly.
Base your tank capacity selection on the number of people who will be drinking from the water cooler. For instance, a 19-liter water cooler generates about 100 cups of clean and fresh drinking water so it can comfortably accommodate about 13 employees. That’s if every employee stick to the recommended 8 cups a day water dosage.
That means for an office with 26 workers, you will need to get a 38-liter water cooler or use the 19. liter water cooler but connect it to the municipal water line.
3. Energy Efficient And Operating Noise
Water coolers use an electric motor to execute their heating and cooling functionalities. The size and technology used in the motor determine how much energy is consumed during the water heating and cooling operations. It also determines how much noise the water cooler produces while operating.
In selecting a water cooler for your office, look for a unit that is energy-friendly and noise-free. Employees need a calm and welcoming working environment and so a noisy water cooler won’t be a great choice.
As well, your business needs to cut operation costs and a unit that consumes more energy won’t be a suitable choice. Choose high-end water coolers that have Energy Star ratings and UL certification.
4. Dispensation Temperature
Top-selling water cooler models are engineered to dispense instant ice-cold, hot, and room temperature water.
They have the functions and settings to allow you dispense water in your desired temperature. When buying a water cooler, you should keep the temperature at which the unit dispenses water in mind.
A high-end water cooler dispenser that can release both cold and hot water will be a great choice if you want to minimize time waste in the office.
Since your employees will get instant access to tea and coffee in the mornings and evenings, they won’t waste time cooking it on the microwave heater.
5. The Water Cooler Placement And Installation
Water coolers come in two main options. There are those which connect directly to the water mains and ones that use refillable bottles.
Water coolers that source water from the municipal water line need professional installation. They will cost a bit higher upfront but you won’t have to invest again on them.
As for the coolers that use refillable bottles, they come with bottles that hold a maximum of 5 gallons. A 5 gallon-tank might be too small for most office settings. Thus, you need to change them regularly.
These options won’t require a professional plumber to install. Before you settle for these units, make sure you got enough spacing to keep the bottles.
6. Water Dispensation Rates
Water dispensation rates differ from one cooler to the other. Some coolers have bigger taps and dispense water at incredibly high rates.
Other water coolers dispense water slowly and will take several minutes to fill a cup of water. In a busy setting like an office, you don’t want a water cooler that takes minutes to fill a cup of water.
Research more about the water cooler before you pay for it. You don’t want a situation where adding a water cooler will reduce productivity rather than increase it. When reading water cooler reviews, stress more on the features, pros, and cons. These tell everything about the product and let you choose only the best.
7. Decide How Much You Want To Spend
Investing in a water cooler for your office adds to your business costs. Remember, unless you decide to use out-of-pocket money to buy the cooler, you delve into your business’s financial accounts. You cannot spend the money that keeps your business in existence senselessly.
Come up with a budget and let your employees check it out. This way, you won’t make an investment only to leave your business in a serious financial mess. Always stick to your budget when searching and comparing water coolers.
8. Consider Buying From A Reputable Water Cooler Brand
Water cooler is just a general name. It is the name we categorize all brands and types of water coolers into.
In selecting a water cooler, you should have a plan on which brand to buy. Checking water cooler reviews is the foundation to a successful purchase. By checking water cooler reviews, you will get to know the top selling brands.
Water cooler reviews will enable you to better understand the suitability of different water cooler brands. Get a brand of water cooler that has excellent online reviews and high ratings. Importantly, consider a brand that stands behind its product with a good warranty and goes ahead to honor it in case of a problem.
9. Water Cooler Design
Water coolers come in many incredible designs. Most coolers have sleek and compact designs that fit will for all interior design structures.
Most units use the Greek-inspired linear column detailing; others have simple and compact sleek designs while others have a smooth minimalist design combined with curved edges.
The design and styling of your office interior should guide you into settling for the best water coolers that amplify overall office beauty.
Water coolers come in many colors and styles as well. Get a stylish and restructured white, grey or black water cooler to give your office the most appealing look.
There are hundreds of high-end and bestselling office water coolers today. Most of these water coolers are from reputable brands. In selecting a water cooler for your office, getting to understand what counts and what doesn’t will go a long way to help you get quality units that meet your office’s best interests.
Thorough research and product comparison will make it easier for you to find water coolers that have all the features and functions you want.
You can save your business considerable amounts if you take time to compare several water coolers from trusted brands. All water cooler dealers today operate differently and you will be surprised to discover that the same water cooler Dealer A sells at $x goes for $y from dealer B.
For a detailed insight into the best water coolers to buy this year, our collection of 10 highly-rated coolers might be the best place to start.
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